Project FMA
Project FMA is a collaborative effort by some of us on to “novelize” the original Fullmetal Alchemist manga series. In other words, we are taking every panel, every speech and thought bubble, every scene, every page - and converting it to the magic of prose. Yes, we are that insane.

Why? Because we know what an amazing story it is; and personally, I want to get it out to more people. Part of the beauty of Fullmetal Alchemist is that there's something in it for everyone to appreciate, whether they're nerdy bookworms, anime otakus, scifi/fantasy geeks, adventure seekers, deep thinkers or hopeless romantics. FMA takes the best of everything and combines them into one. Who wouldn't love a story like that?

It won't be officially published, of course (unless we ever get permission to, which is pretty unlikely), and we won't be selling it or making any kind of profit. We’re just posting it here (among other various corners of the internet) where others can read it. Speaking as a former anime hater, not everyone out there is into anime or manga; so I think this is a great way to get them into the story without tripping them up with the typical quirks and visual gags you usually find in the genre.

What you will be reading is the work of many crazy, talented, dedicated fans who want to share a story worth sharing. We can only hope that we’ve done the original source some justice, and that the characters will come alive for you as they have for us. 

                        ~ Stephanie (Dearheart)

All fanart is used with permission and belongs solely to their respective owners.